Why might you opt for an electric actuator solution? Lance and Bryan discuss this topic as well as motion sizing and configuration of a Festo EGC motion application.

Electric Motion Made Easy! (Feat. Festo)

Hello, I’m Lance Waffensmith, Power/mation’s business development manager for the Festo product line. Today we’re going to explore the electrical products Festo has to offer.

People know Festo for their best-in-class air cylinders and pneumatic products but in the last 15 years, they’ve been investing heavily in their electromechanical portfolio.

So, when would you use an electric actuator over a pneumatic solution? What you gain with electric is the ability to control position and motion. In an application where you’d have to go to more than two positions, bringing a servo motor and a screw or belt into the mix allows you to accurately control all of those positions.

See what makes Festo’s electric actuators unique by watching our discussion in the video above.

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